3rd positive psychology in practice conference

Η εκδήλωση αυτή έχει λήξει! Αναζητήστε παρόμοια εκδήλωση στην κατηγορία Συνέδρια-Ημερίδες για ειδικούς

Following the success of last year’s event, we are excited to announce the dates and location of the 3rd International Positive Psychology in Practice conference, which will be held in 2020, on November 5th and 6th, in the beautiful city of Paris. Known as the city of love and lights, Paris will be a most suitable location for those who seek positive ways to enhance both their work and personal lives.

We already have a promising line-up of amazing speakers who will join us for this event:

  • Dr. Ilona Boniwell, CEO at Positran, France
  • Dr. Patrick Gwyer, Llyods bank and Action for Hamphshire social entrepreneur mentoring progamme 2019 Cohort at Action for Hampshire
  • Dr. Vikki Barnes, Clinical Psychologist, Consultant in Mental Health & Wellbeing, Positive Psychology & Happiness. International Speaker, Humanitarian, Nature Lover, Explorer
  • Evelyn Bierbach, CEO of "Ekatra" - Personal Development through Coaching und Yoga
  • Irena Ustinović, Commercial real estate, Warsaw, Masovian District, Poland
  • Odile Carru, Corporate and Executive Coaching, ICF Professional Certified Coach PCC
  • Sok-ho Trinh, Passionologist – Career & Leadership coach – Social scientist – Performer, London, UK
  • Sarah Lewis C.Psychol, Managing Director and Principal Psychologist at Appreciating Change, UK
  • Rob Baker, FCIPD, MAPP Founder & Chief Positive Deviant, UK

The international Positive Psychology movement

The international Positive Psychology movement, initiated by Seligman nearly two decades ago, continues to capture the attention of people around the world as a ground-breaking approach to the understanding of the human psyche. Despite being a relatively new field, the positive psychology movement continues to grow as an internationally respected field and has witnessed significant developments worldwide.

Positive Psychology is the field of research and practice that focuses on positive emotions by fostering human strengths and virtues, and enabling people to flourish by increased engagement, meaning making, personal satisfaction and well-being.

Featuring international keynote presentations on the latest research, case studies, practical applications for organisations, clinical settings and educational institutions; as well as personal wellbeing, this conference will help you apply scientifically-grounded positive psychology research into practical and real-life settings, making it accessible to practitioners.

Delegates will update their knowledge on recent developments and learn about future perspectives in the field of Positive Psychology.

Format of event

The conference environment will nurture collaboration and communication.

Throughout the day, plenary sessions will be delivered between panel discussions, question and answer sessions, group activities and experiential learning.

The meeting will provide a valuable opportunity to network, share knowledge and ideas, and explore possible collaborations amongst all present.

We would like this event to be enjoyable, informative and educational for those who attend and we have committed all our enthusiasm, expertise and professionalism to realise this vision.

Together with our participants, we can create positive networking and growth opportunities for all involved.

With this in mind we invite delegates to register their specialist area of interest through submission of abstract proposals. Please submit 300 words for either an oral or poster abstract submission. A 15 minutes presentation can be scheduled for an oral abstract on theory, research, case studies and practice.

Our two days will cover a mix of expert speakers and facilitators focussing on the following themes:

  1. Positive Psychology: Theory and Methodology of Positive Psychology
  2. Positive Psychology: Organisations and Professional Environments
  3. Positive Psychology: Research Methods
  4. Positive Psychology: Mental Health and Clinical Settings
  5. Positive Psychology: Coaching and intervention
  6. Positive Psychology: Education
  7. Positive Psychology: Childhood and Youth
  8. Positive Psychology: Social Change
  9. Positive Psychology: Cross-cultural communication
  10. Positive Psychology: Health and Wellness

This event is of particular interest to:

  • Organisational & Business Leaders
  • HR Staff
  • Coaches, Practitioners & Entrepreneurs
  • Healthcare Providers
  • Policy Makers
  • Psychologists
  • Clinicians & Wellbeing Practitioners
  • Mental Health Professionals
  • Researchers and Clinicians interested in post-traumatic growth research
  • Researchers
  • Universities and school teachers
  • Non-profit organisations
  • Students
  • Anybody with the desire to live a happier and more fulfilling life

Registration fees

5th to 6th November 2020 – Paris, France

15% off for groups (3 delegates or more)

  • Standard Registration both days €445
  • Charity/Student Registration both days €295
  • Charity/Student Registration single day €225
  • Standard Registration single day €295

Συνοπτικές Πληροφορίες

Έναρξη 05-11-2020
Ημ. Λήξης 06-11-2020
Θέσεις Ν/Α
Κόστος £374.00
Τόπος διεξαγωγής Rue du Faubourg Saint-Martin

Εκδήλωση ενδιαφέροντος


08.00 - 09.00


09.00 - 09.10

Guided 10-Minutes Mindfulness Meditation

Evelyn Bierbach, CEO of "Ekatra" - Personal Development through Coaching and Yoga Meditation

09.10 - 09.30

Welcome and Opening of the Conference with a short introduction on Cultural Communication

Lucy Airs, Director of The Sustainable Change People Ltd, France

09.30 - 09.50

Passion and Leadership

Sok-ho Trinh, Passionologist – Career & Leadership coach – Social scientist – Performer, London, UK

09.50 - 10.30

Keynote: Positive Psychology in the Workplace

Dr. Ilona Boniwell, CEO at Positran, France

10.35 - 11.00

Morning Coffee Break, Networking and visit of the exhibition

11.00 - 11.30

Authentically happy in nature

Dr. Vikki Barnes, Clinical Psychologist, Mental Health and Wellbeing Consultant, Specialist in Positive Psychology and Happiness. Previously worked in operational and strategic roles with Virgin Care, Virgin Limited Edition and the NHS

11.30 - 12.30

Oral Poster Presentations

12.35 - 13.30

Lunch Break, Networking and visit of the exhibition

13.30 - 14.30

The science art of job crafting – bringing job crafting to life within people, teams and organisations

Rob Baker, Founder & Chief Positive Deviant at Tailored Thinking

14.30 - 15.00

A taste of Appreciative Inquiry

Sarah Lewis, Managing Director and Principal Psychologist at Appreciating Change, London, UK

15.05 - 15.30

Afternoon Coffee Break, Networking and visit of the exhibition

15.30 - 16.00

How are you so they can be? - 3 Tricky Cases of Presence in Coaching

Tünde Erdös, MSc. in Executive Coaching, Ashridge Accredited Executive Coach EMCC EIA Senior Practitioner, MCC ICF

16.00 - 16.30

Coaching and Positive Psychology: The Case for Integration

Prof Christian van Nieuwerburgh, Professor of Coaching and Positive Psychology, University of East London

16.30 - 17.00

Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks

08.00 - 9.00


09.00 - 9.10

Chair’s Welcome and Opening of the Conference Day 2

Lucy Airs, Director of The Sustainable Change People Ltd, France

09.10 - 09.20

Guided 10-Minutes Mindfulness Meditation

Evelyn Bierbach, CEO of Ekatra - Personal Development through Coaching and Yoga Meditation

09.20 - 10.00

Keynote Presentation: Mindfulness in Positive Psychology: The Adventure of Meditation and Flourishing

Dr. Itai Ivtzan, Associate Professor, MA Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Mindfulness-Based Naropa University, USA

10.00 - 10.30

Morning Coffee Break, Networking and visit of the exhibition

10.30 - 11.00

Beyond Happiness: Positive Psychology for Social Change

Dr Evie Rosset, Lecturer, MAPP, Anglia Ruskin University, Co-founder, Maac Lab, Lyon, France

11.00 - 11.20

Case 1: Positive Psychology in Clinical Practice – Three Case Studies showing effectiveness of Positive Psychology

Dr. Patrick Gwyer, Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Wellbeing and Happiness Social entrepreneur

12.05 - 13.00

Lunch Break, Networking and visit of the exhibition

13.00 - 13.20

Interactive Group Activity

13.20 -13.50

Character Strengths

Irena Ustinovic, Trainer, Positive Psychology specialist, Coach and Mentor, Poland

13.50 - 14.10

Practical Positive Psychology

Rene Oehlenschlæger, Author and Lecturer in Positive Psychology Denmark

14.10 - 14.40

Light Sabres At The Ready - Does Positive Education Need To Be A Battle?

Dr Hazel Harrison, Dr Hazel Harrison, Clinical Psychologist, Founder of ThinkAvellana, UK

14.45 - 15.15

Afternoon Coffee Break, Networking and visit of the exhibition

15.15 - 15.45

To go FromDoertoLeader, dare doing nothing!

Odile Carru, Corporate and Executive Coaching, ICF Professional Certified Coach -PCC- France

15.45 - 16.15

Topic to be advised

Giselle Timmerman MAPP, Founder of Positive Work: Leadership Development, Team Coaching, MBA & HRM Professor

16.15 - 16.45

The evolution of positive psychology: Surfing the second and third waves

Dr Tim Lomas, Senior Lecturer in Positive Psychology at University of East London

16.45 - 17.00

Panel Discussion and Closing Remarks

Location Map

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